Miralix View is a statistics module that gives you access to data on all events in your contact center solution and presents them in a visual and easily accessible way.
The module gives you unique insight into and overview of your company’s call flow and performance, allowing you to make informed decisions regarding quality assurance and optimisation of your service, shift planning etc.
With Miralix View, you get access to a number of standard reports. These reports are based on a thorough analysis of and insight from 1000 different customer reports, and they contain the KPIs needed across industries and customer groups.
Our standard reports are dynamic, which means you can modify them using filters and by changing the period they cover. This allows you to go from a situational overview showing trends over time, to zooming in and getting a detailed causal explanation of an issue.
For example, the reports can identify the number of lost calls; when and why a hunt group has a high call load; when customers experience above-average waiting times etc.
Miralix View is probably the most advanced tool on the market for statistics and analysis of your contact center. It is an indispensable tool if you want to base and optimize the service your company provides on facts, rather than on gut feelings.
Our experience shows that there can be a big gap between what you think about your service and what the data shows. This is something many companies realise for themselves when they decide to use Miralix View and begin to use its insights.
With Miralix View, you can control who has access to the platform, which statistics they can see and if they should have admin rights. You can also opt to export your contact center data to another application if, for example, you need to process it alongside data from other systems.
See more information about Miralix View and the possibilities the module offers in the product sheet below: